Who I am
My name is Marieke Vaandrager, I am married and a mother of two daughters. We are Dutch and have lived in Spain since 2003. We love it here and found (eventually) what we were looking for: a great balance between work and family life. It’s my passion to create, from logos and advertisements to kids rooms or Christmas trees. It all has to be in balance.
What I do
Graphic Designer:
I am a graphic designer and, together with my husband, we help our clients with both their online and offline communication. From start to finish we create design and strategy; such as websites, logos, brands, mailings, flyers. It’s my experience that stylish photography plays an enormous role in marketing: great pictures just sell better! www.splez.com
The first thing we created after moving to Spain was an international webshop in personalised baby and kids clothing. T-shirts printed with a name, date of birth, funny phrases or just a personal design. www.sorprentas.com
Ronda Rentals:
After travelling through Spain we settled in Ronda. A stunning old town with it’s famous bridge and charming narrow streets. Just outside Ronda we have built our own house. In the summertime we rent out our home so we can travel or stay in our townhouse in Ronda (which will soon also be available for rental). www.eltoroblanco.es
My photography
I have always loved taking pictures, grabbing the moment, creating something beautiful. It all started when my parents gave me my grandfather’s camera, a Pentax, totally manual. I took a course and fell in love with the art. Being busy with work and family I left photography for a while. In 2016 I bought myself a new camera and from that moment on I was ‘back on track’.
What I like about photography is that it’s so personal. For the photographer as well as the model. It’s my goal to bring these two individual aspects together. It’s my goal to frame my model in a natural way, showing something of her/his personality.
The perfect photographer simply does not exist, because everybody judges a picture in her or his own way. I know there is still a lot to learn and I enjoy doing this step by step.